Stay tuned for my Day-by-Day NKOTB Cruise VLOG of whole Cruise Trip...
Right now here in this post I've added some basic footage from the Sail away party and Game Show- Grp A that I captured. Maybe you can see yourself in some of the clips?!
These videos are NOT monetized currently, in the future if /when they are eligible YouTube AUTOMATICALLY sends the ad money to the New Kids on the Block, band, or artist if algorithm is connected. Not me, I'm helping to bring awareness to the New Kids, their lovely songs, and {make spare change for them} support them. I always support them because I NEVER want them to stop doing what they do!!
These videos are made with good intentions and eternal love for the band, the New Kids's wonderfully nostalgic songs, and their adoring fans.
Email me your NKOTB Encounter stories, and 2018 Cruise stories that include receipts and pictures to: shautes @ gmail dot com. #UntoldNKOTBStories
Is the NKOTB Cruise worth it....?
All Access pass for the NKOTB Cruise sneak peak
NKOTB Sail Away Party
NKOTB Cruise Game Night - Grp A
Email me your Untold NKOTB Encounter Stories if you would like to share on the blog and NKOTB Cruise 2018 X Stories with receipts and pictures for proof. Email: shautes @ gmail dot com. Thank you for visiting, please leave a comment below!

Have an interesting + amazing story? me your Untold NKOTB Encounter Stories if you would like to share on the blog and NKOTB Cruise 2018 X Stories, all with receipts and pictures for proof. Email: shautes @ gmail dot com. Thank you for visiting, please leave a comment below!
~Be Sweet
Sweetest Haute
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Welcome to the SWEET HAUTE Blog! I recently switched back to Blogger after goDaddy managed WP deleted my database from 2015-on so most if not all current comments/ past posts are gone. Please leave a comment or ask a question below. If a post you are looking for isn't appearing, it is still on my YouTube channel. You can also email me, find out more in the 'About' section. Thanks!
~Be Sweet
Sweetest Haute