Virginia Beach Beauty Life + Style Blog | SWEETHAUTE swthaute: Thursday SWEET HAUTE Share Link up Party
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Thursday SWEET HAUTE Share Link up Party

Live at 5:30 pm Pacific Standard Time
ANNOUNCEMENT: Pinterest collaboration group board 'DIY Projects' is launched, email me if you would like to be invited to join the collaboration board.

Here's some things going on over at SWEET HAUTE...
 DIY Marquee Sign, full tutorial!

The Candy Striped Cleaning Collective REVEAL and the Built-in Desk almost finished!
Spring Closet Cleaning for Kids- Tutorial by Carrie at Curly Crafty Mom

Join the DIY Projects Pinterest Collab Group Board

Hi and the Thursday SWEET HAUTE Share link party! Are you on the list? I am so happy to check out all of your DIY projects, yummy recipes, organizational efforts, and home decor creations that you've come here to share with everyone!

Here’s how to "link up" to the party:
  1. Scroll down, and click the “Add your Link” button.
  2. Fill in required fields. Make sure you link to the direct page of your specific blog post – not the main page of your blog. I welcome you to share as many posts as you like, just please do not share stores or spam.
  3. View other projects from blogs at the party!
  4. Last but not least, please link back to this post to spread the word that I'm hosting the party each week. If you’d like, share the badge above on your blog post; a text link is ok too.
Now go for it and have a blast! {Heads Up: it can be addictive} ;) Please feel free to 'Pin' or 'Tweet' about the weekly Thursday SWEET HAUTE Share linky party so others can join in on the mayhem, and remember to visit here the following week to see which posts have been featured this week. Features will also be 'Pinned' on the SWEET HAUTE Feature Pinterest board! To make your own linky party or gallery of work, click here to sign up, it's that easy!
THANK YOU to everyone that linked up any of their projects at last week's party.
 The Top 5 visited posts included...


Coconut Bananas Foster, the perfect topping for waffles and ice cream!

Chopped Asian Chicken Salad with Ginger Chili Lime Dressing 

Thursday SWEET HAUTE Share Link Party

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.
An InLinkz Link-up

~Be Sweet
Sweetest Haute

Subscribe by email, follow on Pinterest, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram! 


  1. Thanks so much for featuring my bookshelves and for hosting! That Asian chicken salad looks amazing!

    1. You're welcome, furniture re-dos are awesome....!!!!

  2. Replies
    1. You're welcome, come back to link up next week!!

  3. Love the party!!! Thanks so much for hosting! I would love it if you would stop by our party and share one of your amazing projects!
    Happy Wednesday! Lou Lou Girls


Welcome to the SWEET HAUTE Blog! I recently switched back to Blogger after goDaddy managed WP deleted my database from 2015-on so most if not all current comments/ past posts are gone. Please leave a comment or ask a question below. If a post you are looking for isn't appearing, it is still on my YouTube channel. You can also email me, find out more in the 'About' section. Thanks!

~Be Sweet
Sweetest Haute

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