


Autumn DIY Wooden Sign- Tutorial

Here again with a guest post is Carrie from Curly Crafty Mom!

I have been wanting to make a wooden sign with a phrase (or, a word in this case) on it for awhile now. Honestly, I am not sure why I waited so long. It wass easy, inexpensive and fun! I found a piece of scrap wood in the garage and decided upon the word 'Autumn'. I chose this word, because I love the season... but, it is also my daughters name. :) 


This project didn't really require a lot of supplies... I had this piece of scrap wood in our garage from when Brian and Nathan built a wooden cart. I had some dark stain leftover from my 'Oh Deer String Art' project... so, really all I had to buy was tempera paint in gold.

First, you'll clean any cobwebs or dust off your piece of wood. Then you'll stain it on the front and sides. Sorry, no photo of that...


I played around with several fonts, but finally decided on a serif font called Charter Black in all  lowercase.


I printed out the letters and then cut them out and laid them on the wood.


I used a ruler and drew a line as a guide, so that the letters would all be on the same base line. I used one of those 'fabric' pencils in white and outlined around each letter.


Then I took a thin brush and painted an outline around each letter.


I took a thicker brush and filled in all of the letters with the gold paint. This is what it looked like after one coat. I would do 2-3 coats of the gold paint until the letters look even without a lot of paint strokes showing.

I had a lot of fun taking photos of this sign with fall decorations. I'm not going to explain each photo, they sort of explain themselves... so, here you go:








AND, if you are looking for something else when it comes to playing around with wood, check out my 'Oh Deer String Art':


That was from the Curly Crafty Mom blog!
Thank you and enjoy!

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Sweetest Haute