


Pink DIY Laundry Detergent Tutorial

Pink DIY Laundry Detergent Tutorial

Only 1-2 Tablespoons per load!
200+ Loads of Laundry
How to make your own DIY Pink Laundry Detergent at home!
Presenting the ORIGINAL pink fruit 'sweet sizzle' scented Pink DIY Laundry Detergent Recipe and Tutorial. My favorite laundry detergent that I have used for many years Gain - Apple Mango Tango, to be exact...and we use (HE) which stands for 'High Efficiency' washer/ washing machine. Ever since the Apple Mango Tango Gain launched,  I have been a loyal fan of that brand because of that particular scent.
With that being said, I came up with a recipe for making your own DIY (HE) Laundry Detergent..... AND is not only :::::::: Pink ::::::: but it is scented with the sweet and phenomenal fragrance of Sweet Sizzle which is similar to their APPLE MANGO TANGO scent yumminess!!! So excited to share this today because it combines a few of my favorites in one project: my fav Gain scent, one of my fav colors, DIY, and wash our California lifestyle wardrobes!
Pink DIY 'Gain Sweet Sizzle' scented Laundry Detergent
2 Tablespoon per load! 200+ Loads of Laundry


3. 1 Bottle Gain Fireworks {OPTIONAL scent booster}
4. 1 Bar Zote Pink Laundry Soap 
    - can be substituted for Kirk's Castile Soap, Ivory Soap, or Fels Naptha
5. Ball Mason Jar
    - other container
6. Bowl
7. Grater

Most items will be found in the laundry aisle section. You only need 4 ingredients for this particular recipe! The scent can be switched out to any scent booster you wish.

If you know me, you know that I am very careful with my and my family's clothes when washing them and equally careful with my high efficiency washer and dryer. I usually hang dry almost all of my baby clothes, fancy trendy toddler clothes, and me and my husband's dressy outfits to prevent fading and shrinking. AND since I'm a reformed obsessive compulsive organizer and cleaner....I usually meticulously fold each piece so I can see the logo and situate them in the drawers in a way so that I can select each outfit with a blink of an eye (but that's a whole different post).

Needless to say...laundry in my home is quite a long 'process.' I came up with this DIY recipe and tutorial that is safe for your HE washers and is safe and gentle on clothes, plus it will save you money....perfect to go hand-in-hand with my laundry 'process' and make chores a little more bearable so we can enjoy this sweet dolce vita!

Shop here {above} for some great California west coast lifestyle clothing! You can wash them with your new DIY Pink Laundry Detergent!!

Step 1:

Grate the entire bar of Pink Zote Soap into a bowl with a metal grater.

The pink Zote soap is a beautiful shade of hot pink! Yay for hot pink!! This will go great in my laundry room;)....

If you let the kids help, please be careful because the soap is a little tough to grate...and the kids can hurt themselves when trying to put their elbow grease to good use!
Get the kids involved, we did this on a hot afternoon when it was too hot for them to play outside.
They found it very interesting that we could create something we could actually clean things with, in the laundry, instead of buying at Target?!? Of course they thought Target because that is one of our favorite stores!!

Step 2:

Add the other 2 boxes of Washing Soda and Borax, then mix in the Gain Fireworks sprinkles!
The longest part was getting the kids to cooperate on who would grate the pink soap and actually grating the soap.
I am very happy with my new homemade Gain scented fresh HE safe DIY Laundry Detergent. I hope you like as much as we do!
We had so much, that it filled the giant Ball mason jar and another glass container (I got at Ross). You can always double this recipe if you want to make ahead.

Reasons to make Laundry Detergent yourself:
~ Use less because it clean better!
~ Only use 2 tbsp as opposed to 1/4-1/2 cup per load
~ 200+ loads for little cost ($8.00)
~ Saves Money- 10 cents a load
~ Uses All-Natural Ingredients as Detergent Boosters
~ Safe for HE (high efficiency) Appliances
~ Easy to make!
~ Look beautiful instead of commercial container;)

 Check out these DIY Posts:

Clothes Pin Storage Organization Post!!

Please leave a comment below and let me know if you have any questions.
Enjoy, if you make this please share it with me on the SWEET HAUTE Facebook page!
Thank you so much for visiting...
Have an amazing day:)

~Be Sweet
Sweetest Haute 

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  1. Do you know if this is safe to use if you have a septic tank?

  2. Don't see why not, it should be since it's all natural the scented soap beads which would be like any current laundry soap being used there now. Double check with your septic servicer to make sure it is safe.

  3. I didn't know they had pink Zote! I must use this for my next batch of soap.

  4. Ive been making my own for awhile now. I will NEVER buy commercial detergent again. I also make my own dishwasher powder. I add baking soda to my laundry detergent and since its a natural softening agent, I have been able to eliminate fabric softner as well.

    1. That's wonderful Danielle....I've never used fabric softener, must try:)

  5. Can this be used in a front-loader?

    1. Emily, yes you may use in any type of washer....we use it in our front-loading machine:)
      Hope that helps!


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~Be Sweet
Sweetest Haute