


Garage Floor Paint Epoxy: Tutorial

Garage Floor Paint Epoxy: Tutorial

Here is a spring cleaning project that I wanted to share with you. Getting our garage into excellent condition and organized has always been a goal. Garage Floor Paint Epoxy Tutorial. Actually getting it done was challenging because the winters are cold, and the summers are hot; so we had to start and finish this project in the small window of time in the Spring when the heat isn't too unbearable.
The first step was painting the garage floor, also called epoxy-ing the garage floor.

This was our experience....

 This was our experience....


Paint/Epoxy Kit (Valspar is kit we used)
Flakes (we used grey option paint Flakes)
Paint Roller
Paint Rolls
Painter Tray
Anti-Skid Texture (provides the non-slip surface)

 Garage 'BEFORE'

The back story is, we purchased the paint last year on sale and never got around to it (so surprising) since we had a newborn baby, 2 other small children and, again, it gets really hot here. This spring comes along and we decided to whip it out. WOW we, my poor husband, ran into a lot of challenges....some I think could definitely have been avoided. Yet we are always wanting to DIY everything, so we learn along the way. We need more than the usual recommended amount for our garage size and I think it was because that kit sat in waiting for a year prior. Once we spread it on the cement it didn't want to work with us, it was thick and difficult. Although we had much better luck with the other kits so we concluded it must had degraded gotten old and unmanageable.

'DURING' action photos
By this time we had already use 1 gallon of the epoxy and it was already drying/curing.

We purchased our epoxy kit from Lowe's in a Valspar kit (that recommended size for 2 car garage) yet we ended up needing 3 THREE kits total.........ouch!!! They are $50-75 dollars each, for PAINT/epoxy.....ridiculous. We were already knee deep and I had to run to Lowe's to get more right in the middle of it. We got the first kit on sale, yet the additional two were full price at $74.56 each.
AND to top it all off, we BARELY had enough to cover our 2 car garage floor....strange right!?!
Definitely keep that in mind if you are thinking about doing your garage floor because looking back, I probably would have done it differently are nothing at all for that price.

We chose the Aqua Blue color, I think it is called Arctic Blue and we did use the flakes that were about $15 and we needed 2.5 {had to purchase 3 Flakes} of those too. Also, Lowe's does not sell the paint separately either (the brand we got) and so each time we had to buy entire kit which has the prep and paint. We decided to get the Anti Skid 'Texture' which provides the non-slip surface and I really am loving that quality about the floor now. On rainy days it is perfectly safe to walk on without incident.

You can see the flakes here, but it looks more grey than blue because of the lighting but it turned out to be a light blue color instead of an aqua blue.

This photo was taken after almost 2 gallons used.

However it did cover the water stains beautifully.

We also did NOT use the high gloss finish that they had available, the Clear Coat. No we didn't get that, it would add another $40 each and we would need three? I don't think so. Plus the finish had a nice sheen to it already and we were ready to be done with it and put our belongings back into the garage so we opted not to clear coat the floor.

Step 1:

Gather supplies, read directions.

Step 2:

Clean, sweep, prep floor.

Step 3:

Paint epoxy and sprinkle flakes if you desire.
Have a plan of direction, and exit. Do NOT paint yourself into a corner.

 'AFTER' Garage Floor

 Here in this photo it shows the track system we got to mount the wagon, bike, stroller, golf equipment off the floor. We may add another one above it, haven't decided. Stay tuned for the Garage Makeover Reveal!
I hope you enjoyed this Tutorial post, it was pretty straightforward although I wish I would have known some 'lessons learned' prior to this project. We have especially noticed and LOVED the Anti-skid non-slip Texture aspect of this project. It has came in handy on the rainy days or after swimming, slip and slide, water balloon fights, watering the lawn and will be for the snow days.
Please comment below if you have questions.

What we hope to accomplish in this space in the next few months:
  • Paint Epoxy Garage Floor
  • Organized Shelves
  • Paint Entry Door
  • Paint Entry Stairs
  • Installed Toy Storage Rack
  • Home Gym area
  • Recycling area
  • Accent Wall
  • Tools/ Work Bench area

You might want to check out this post:

DIY Outdoor Organization Storage idea: Recycling Bins

Please leave me a comment below and let me know you stopped by to visit!!!


~Be Sweet
Sweetest Haute

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  1. I LOVE the idea of hanging kids toys from the Rubbermaid track system. We have them installed, too, but I can't tell which "hangers" you used...

  2. How did you store the wagon, etc? We are looking for storage ideas for a wagon, stroller, scooter and bikes. Thanks!


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~Be Sweet
Sweetest Haute